How to Wash Velvet Clothes

How to Wash Velvet Clothes

Washing velvet clothes requires special care to ensure that their luxurious, soft texture and vibrant appearance are preserved. Velvet is a delicate fabric known for its soft, plush surface, and it can easily be damaged if not cleaned properly. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps and tips to effectively wash your velvet clothing items while minimizing the risk of damage.

Velvet garments, ranging from dresses to blazers and accessories, can be found in various styles and colours, making them a popular choice for both casual and formal occasions. However, because of their unique texture and composition, they demand a gentle touch when it comes to cleaning.

In the following sections, we will delve into the specifics of how to wash velvet clothes, including materials needed, step-by-step instructions, and essential tips for maintaining the beauty and longevity of your velvet wardrobe. Whether you're dealing with a velvet jacket, pants, or a delicate velvet dress, this guide will help you navigate the process with confidence and care.

How to hand wash velvet clothing?

How to hand wash velvet clothes

Washing velvet clothing requires special attention to ensure that the delicate fabric is not damaged or crushed. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to wash velvet clothing:

Materials You'll Need:

  1. Mild liquid detergent or specially formulated velvet cleaner.
  2. A basin or large container.
  3. Cold water.
  4. Soft, clean towels.
  5. A mesh laundry bag (optional).
  6. Velvet brush or a soft-bristle brush.
  7. Hangers or a padded hanger.
  8. Iron (optional, for touch-ups).


1. Check the Care Label:

Always start by checking the care label on your velvet clothing. Some velvet items may have specific cleaning instructions or recommend dry cleaning only. Follow these instructions if provided.

2. Spot Test:

Spot test the velvet cloth

Before washing the entire garment, it's a good idea to spot-test a small, inconspicuous area to ensure that the detergent or cleaner you plan to use doesn't cause any discoloration or damage. Wait for it to dry before proceeding if you do this.

3. Prepare the Cleaning Solution:

  • Fill a basin or large container with cold water.
  • Add a small amount of mild liquid detergent or a specially formulated velvet cleaner. Be sure to use a detergent that is suitable for delicate fabrics.

4. Gently Agitate the Water:

Swirl the water to create suds, but do not agitate vigorously, as this can damage the velvet.

5. Submerge the Garment:

Place the velvet clothing item in the cool water and gently swish it around. Make sure the entire garment is submerged.

6. Soak for a Short Time:

Let the garment soak in the soapy water for about 5-10 minutes. Avoid soaking it for too long to prevent damage.

7. Hand Wash with Care:

Using your hands, gently massage the fabric to remove dirt and stains. Pay extra attention to soiled areas, but be gentle to avoid crushing the velvet fibres.

8. Rinse Thoroughly:

Drain the soapy water and refill the basin with clean, cold water. Rinse the dry velvet clothing item by gently submerging it and swishing it around until all detergent residue is removed.

9. Press Out Excess Water:

Gently press the water out of the velvet garment without wringing or twisting it. You can do this by placing the clothing item on a clean, dry towel and rolling it up.

10. Lay Flat to Dry:

Lay the velvet clothing flat on a clean, dry towel or a mesh drying rack to air dry. Avoid hanging the garment, as this can cause it to stretch or lose its shape.

11. Brush the Velvet:

Once the garment is almost dry, use a velvet brush or a soft-bristle brush to gently fluff and restore the texture of pure velvet to the fabric. Brush in the direction of the velvet's nap (the direction in which the fibres lay).

12. Final Touches (Optional):

If there are any wrinkles or creases, you can use a low-heat iron with a pressing cloth (a clean, dry cotton cloth) to gently smooth them out. Be cautious not to apply too much heat or pressure.

Remember that velvet is a delicate fabric, so handle it gently with care throughout the washing and drying process. Following these steps will help you clean your velvet clothing while preserving its softness and luxurious appearance.

How to wash velvet clothing in a washing machine

While hand washing is the safest method for cleaning velvet clothing, you can wash some velvet items in a washing machine if the care label permits it. Here's how to do it:

Materials You'll Need:

  1. Mild liquid detergent designed for delicate fabrics.
  2. Mesh laundry bag.
  3. Cold water.
  4. Soft, clean towels.
  5. Velvet brush or a soft-bristle brush.
  6. Padded hangers.


1. Check the Care Label:

Read label to wash velvet clothes

Start by carefully reading the care label on your velvet clothing. Only proceed if the label indicates that machine washing is safe.

2. Turn the Garment Inside Out:

This can help protect the outer surface of the velvet from abrasion and friction in the washing or machine wash.

3. Place the Garment in a Mesh Bag:

To further protect the velvet fabric, put the clothing item inside a mesh laundry bag. This will prevent it from rubbing against other items and reduce the risk of damage.

4. Use Cold Water:

Set your washing machine to the gentlest cycle with cold water. High temperatures can cause the velvet to lose its texture and lustre.

5. Add Detergent:

Pour a small amount of mild liquid detergent formulated for delicate fabrics into the detergent compartment. Using too much detergent can leave residue on the velvet, so be conservative.

6. Start the Wash:

Place the mesh bag containing the crushed velvet garment in the washing machine and start the cycle. Be sure to choose the shortest and gentlest cycle available.

7. Skip the Spin Cycle:

If your washing machine has an option to skip the spin cycle or reduce its intensity, use it. High-speed spinning can potentially damage the delicate fibres of velvet.

8. Remove and Gently Squeeze Out Excess Water:

Once the wash cycle is complete, carefully remove the velvet garment from the mesh bag. Gently squeeze out excess water without wringing or twisting the fabric.

9. Lay Flat to Dry:

Lay the velvet clothing item flat on a clean, dry towel or a mesh drying rack. Avoid hanging it, as this can cause it to stretch or lose its shape.

10. Brush the Velvet:

Once the garment is almost dry, use a velvet brush or a soft-bristle brush to gently fluff and restore the texture of the fabric. Brush in the direction of the velvet's nap (the direction in which the fibres lay).

11. Final Touches (Optional):

Iron velvet cloth with low heat

If there are any wrinkles or creases, you can use a low-heat iron with a pressing cloth (a clean, dry cotton cloth) to gently smooth them out. Be cautious not to apply too much heat or pressure.

Always follow the care label instructions and take extra precautions when washing velvet in a machine to minimize the risk of damage. Velvet is a delicate fabric, and hand washing is still the preferred method for maintaining its quality and appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I wash all velvet clothing items in the washing machine?

No, not all velvet clothing can be safely machine washed. Always check the care label on your velvet item or garment. If the label specifies "dry clean only," it's best to follow those instructions. Machine washing is suitable only for velvet items that explicitly indicate they are machine washable.

2. Is it safe to use regular detergent on velvet clothing?

It's best to use a mild liquid detergent formulated for delicate fabrics or a specially designed velvet cleaner. Regular detergents can be harsh on velvet and may leave residues that affect the fabric's appearance.

3. Can I use warm or hot water to wash velvet?

No, it's recommended to use cold water when washing velvet clothing. Warm or hot water can cause the fabric to lose its texture and lustre.

4. What should I do if my velvet garment has stains?

For stains on velvet, it's best to gently blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb as much of the stain onto white cloth as possible. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as this can damage the fabric. If the stain persists, consult a professional cleaner.

5. Can I wring out excess water from velvet clothing after washing?

No, you should never wring out velvet clothing. Instead, gently squeeze out excess water by pressing the garment between clean, dry towels. Wringing can damage the delicate fibres of velvet fabrics.

6. Should I hang velvet clothing to dry?

It's not recommended to hang velvet clothing when drying, as it can cause the fabric to stretch and lose its shape. Lay the garment flat on a clean, dry towel or use a mesh drying rack.

7. How do I prevent wrinkles in velvet clothing after washing?

To prevent wrinkles, make sure to lay the velvet garment flat to dry. If wrinkles still occur, you can use a low-heat iron with a pressing cloth to gently smooth them out.

8. Can I use a fabric softener when washing velvet?

It's best to avoid fabric softeners when washing velvet. They can leave residues that affect the fabric's texture and appearance. Stick to a mild detergent designed for delicate fabrics.

9. How often should I clean my velvet clothing?

The frequency of cleaning depends on how often you wear the garment and whether it becomes soiled. Generally, you don't need to wash velvet clothing after every wear. Spot clean velvet only when needed and wash when it starts to look or smell less fresh.

10. Can I store velvet clothing in a garment bag or plastic cover?

It's best to store velvet clothing in a breathable garment bag or a cotton cover. Avoid using plastic covers, as they can trap moisture and lead to mould or mildew growth.

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